10/01/2024 Changelog

I’m taking the first steps towards reintroducing hordes by increasing the number of infected, all while ensuring optimal server performance.



  • Updated Sepsis Badge Visibility in HUD. The sepsis badge in the HUD will now be visible from the incubation period. This change was implemented to provide clearer information on the onset of sepsis

Inedia Infected AI

  • Increased infected sensitivity to firearm noise
  • Reduced infected search radius to ensure that they maintain a higher priority focus on higher priority irritants

Central Economy

  • Added missing firefighter infected spawn point at NWAF
  • Raised dynamic minimum values for infected spawn points
  • Increased global maximum value of infected amount on the map

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In the world of DayZ, we can lose and respawn as freshies countless times, but here’s the twist: PlayZ can’t do that.

So it is your turn to help!

Consider donating to fuel the adventure. We’re in this together, and your support, big or small, is like a testimony to our dedication to this community. So let’s make sure PlayZ stays alive!


Oliver Jean du Plessis
PlayZ Founder